. . Boswellia neglecta
[Boswellia neglecta] Boswellia neglecta, which is native to Kenya and Uganda, is a shrub-like tuberous plant. It has a tasteful skin that resembles an old tree, and during the growing season it develops delicate leaves that cannot be imagined from its tuberous roots. It is also called the "frankincense tree". Lately, I've become obsessed with bonsai. I saw spicygem on display at an event in Kisarazu and bought it. The pot is also cool. I'd love to..
【 Boswellia neglecta ボスウェリア ネグレクタ 】
ケニア・ウガンダなどが原産のボスウェリア・ネグレクタは灌木系の塊根植物 。